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Curriculum Spring Term

Creative Curriculum

Our topic for this term is A child's War. A siren sounds, a building crumbles, a Spitfire zooms overhead. Take cover! It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. We will learn why nations were fighting and why child evacuees made the long journey from their homes and families into unknown territory. We will read stories and look at primary sources in order to try and empathise with the  children of the second world war and the situations in which they found themselves. An exciting day is planned for January with lots of hands-on experiences. We may even make do and mend – cook up a family meal from meagre rations. 


Our class text this term is "Letters from the Lighthouse" by Emma Carroll. This links to our Creative Curriculum project and follows the story of Olive and Cliff, two evacuees from London. Later on in the term, the children will write diaries documenting the experiences of the sibling evacuees. The children will also write a newspaper report after reading "The Giant's Necklace", developing their language use by controlling their use of formal and informal vocabulary. We will continue to study the grammar and punctuation required for the end of KS2 tests and consider how we can include it in our writing.


Year 6 will continue on their Inspire maths journey. Inspire is the scheme that our school has invested in to develop the children's confidence in using and applying mathematics. During the second term, we will focus on place value leading on to percentages, mean(average), properties of shape and angles. We will also continue with our successful 'Maths Meetings' where the children have the opportunity to revise a range of maths skills. To support your children at home, we suggest that they use TT Rockstars and Prodigy so that they develop fluency with multiplication and division.


We will learn that the  circulatory system includes the heart, blood and blood vessels and that there are three types of blood vessel: arteries, veins and capillaries.  We will also learn how diseases of the circulatory system can be caused by lifestyle choices.

General Information

The children will be working towards their SATs this term. They will be given opportunities to complete KS2 past paper tests and given feedback on ways in which they can improve. To support your child through this term we ask that they continue to read daily for at least 30 minutes and use their ipads to sharpen their calculation skills, using TTRockstars and Freckle. We will be scheduling objectives on Freckle to support the children's understanding and revisit areas already covered. If you would like any more information on how to support your child, please come and see us.