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Curriculum - Spring Term


We will continue to follow the Inspire Maths approach so children will be encouraged to use concrete resources, problem-solving and reasoning.  We will also encourage children to talk in 'maths sentences' to develop their oral skills and will be introducing daily maths meetings to help rehearse and embed key maths skills such as telling the time.

We will begin the term by continuing the work on addition and subtraction worded problems started in the Autumn term. We will then be moving on to multiplication and division. 

As we move closer to the summer Times Table Test we will be focusing on building up our fluency and deepening our knowledge and recall of 6,7,8,9 and 12 times tables (although the test covers times tables from 2-12).


Spring 1 - Our first unit will focus on reading stories written in narrative verse focussing on 'The Bogey Men and the Trolls Next Door'. Children will look closely at the vivid descriptions and actions, so they can borrow language, ideas and structure such as rhyme. They will then write an additional episode of the story using the ideas and techniques that they have explored. 

Spring 2 - For the second half of the spring term we will start by looking at narrative verse and then move on to explanation texts. Children will explore the language and organisation features or explanation texts through examples of visual, verbal and written explanations. They will then create their own explanations in a variety of forms.


Spring 1 - Animals including Humans. In this unit children will continue to explore a variety of ways to group, sort and classify living things. They learn how animals are split into invertebrates and vertebrates and begin to consider the differences between living things within these classifications. They use and create classification keys to group, identify and name living things from a local area and beyond. This unit also introduces children to the idea that environments are subject to man-made and natural changes and that these changes can have a significant impact on living things.

Spring 2 - States of Matter. In this unit the Children will explore particles and their structures in different states such as solids, liquids and gasses as well as how their states can change. 

Cornerstones Topic

It's probably the most famous date in English history. We're travelling back to 1066! These are troubled times and there is danger afoot. A much-loved king is dead and a French Duke (among others) has staked his claim for our kingdom. Discover a changing England, shaped by shires, protected by castles and ruled by foreign knights. 

We will use the famous Bayeux Tapestry to explore the significant events of 1066. What happened when and how did William come to be called the Conqueror? 

Knowledge Organiser for 1066


Art, Design and Technology

We will be using the Bayeux Tapestry as inspiration to begin to learn some embroidery stitches. We will then use these to create a panel which represents our class. 

After we have become experts on Norman castles, we will design and make a model of a Norman castle complete with working drawbridge.