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At Prescot Primary, we love music! We enjoy having the opportunity to perform throughout our time at school. From Christmas performances in Nursery through to our Leavers’ Assembly in Year 6, we are always building confidence and sharing important messages.

Key Stage 2 are fortunate to have a specialist Music teacher to build on the important skills that have been learnt during the early Years and Key Stage 1. The children learn how to read music through Samba and playing the keyboard.

KS2 are also fortunate to have 1:1 iPads, on which they can explore whole orchestras through the GarageBand app. We are keen to explore more digital aspects of music after our iPad Band successfully took part in a Liverpool competition.

As a whole school we sing regularly in assembly and enjoy sharing musical experiences.

A choir has always been an important part of Prescot life. Over the years, we have had the opportunity to perform at local events, sing at the arena in Manchester and take part in workshops at the Liverpool Empire Theatre and Philharmonic Hall.  

National Curriculum link: