Year 1 - Spring Term
This Spring Term we will be looking at our new topic that is ‘Dinosaur Planet’.
This project intends to teach our children about pre-history and life on earth long ago. It aims to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the pre-historic world. Through the theme of ‘dinosaurs’ we hope that our children will develop their understanding of chronology, beginning to understand how the world has changed over time. Children will explore how archaeologists work and how we know so much about the dinosaur age. Significant individuals, such as Mary Anning, and the importance of their work, nationally and globally. Children will also explore the Victorian fascination with palaeontology and how this changed attitudes about the past.
This project also focuses on the concept of ‘extinction’ and where in the world other creatures are in danger. This will build passion for conservation and charges our children to be protectors of the planet.
English is taught through our daily RWI lessons where the children develop their phonic knowledge, reading and writing skills.
Through our topic work we will be listening to information from an expert and asking lots of interesting questions. We will use his information and facts we gain from reading information texts to make our own dinosaur books. We will write fact files about different dinosaurs. We will design our own dinosaur. We will find out about and write about Mary Anning an archaeologist. Our focus books will be Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs and Dinosaur non fiction texts.
We follow the Inspire Maths Scheme of work for maths. The key concepts that we will cover in the Spring term are:
Shapes and Patterns
-A circle has no corners and no sides
-A square has 4 equal sides and 4 corners
- A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners
-Shapes such as circles, triangles and squares and rectangles can be used to make pictures
-When an object is viewed from different angles/sides, we can see different shapes. For example, the top view of a tin of soup is a circle.
-Patterns are formed by repeating a particular arrangement of shape, size and/or colour placed next to each other
-Patterns can be formed by repeating a particular arrangement of objects placed next to each other
Ordinal Numbers
-Ordinal numbers are for describing the position of something
-Position from the left and right can be named using ordinal numbers
Numbers to 20
-Two 1-digit numbers can be added by using the ‘make 10’ strategy and the ‘regrouping into tens and ones’ strategy
-2-digit numbers can be regrouped into tens and ones
-Applying the ‘part-whole’, ‘adding on’ and ‘taking away’ concepts in addition and subtraction
-The lengths of two objects can be compared using the terms ‘tall/taller’, ‘long/longer’, ‘short/shorter’ and ‘high/higher
-The lengths of more than two objects can be compared using the terms ‘tallest’, ‘longest’, ‘shortest’ and ‘highest’
-A common starting point makes comparison of length easier
-Length can be measured using objects as non-standard units
-Length can be described using the term ‘unit’ instead of paper clips or lolly sticks
-Compare masses using a pan balance
-Mass can be measured using objects as non-standard units
-Mass can be described using the term ‘units’
Picture Graphs
-Data can be collected and organised into a horizontal or vertical picture graph for interpretation
-Data can be collected and organised into a horizontal or vertical picture graph using symbols.
We will learn about herbivores, omnivores and carnivores and will use this knowledge to sort dinosaurs into groups. We will be a dinosaur dentist and look at images of different teeth. We will sort them into groups of meat and plant eaters. We will look at images of dinosaur skeletons and identify the main features. We will then compare them with the human skeleton.
We will research theories about why dinosaurs became extinct. Through research we will be finding out about events that happened beyond living memory and how we know about these times. We will take on the role of a palaeontologist.
We will find out about the continents and the main oceans of the world. We will find out about other animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.
We will be studying Hinduism and learning about Palm Sunday.
We will learn dinosaur raps and play along with percussion instruments.
Art, Design & Technology
We will be creating a prehistoric landscape using different materials. We will draw our own dinosaur and use different media to add colour and texture. We will create dinosaurs using plasticine or clay.
We will be talking about looking after our world through the book ‘Dinosaur and all that rubbish.’ We will set up our own recycling station.
We will be teaching core skills, teamwork, improving our personal best and listening to and following instructions.