Summer 2
It's going to be an exciting time around school as the whole school will be taking part in our conservation project of 'Madagascar'. We will also be preparing the children for year 1 during our 'Moving On' topic.
We will be finding our about where Madagascar is and what makes it so special. We will find out about the animals that live there and learning that they don't live anywhere else in the world. We will think about the importance of looking after the rainforest in Madagascar and protecting our planet. When we visit Chester Zoo we will go to visit the lemurs.
Supporting your child at home:
*At home talk to them about how to protect their planet and all living things.
*Share the Madagascar fact file with your child and talk about the different animals that you see.
*Find out about any facts or information about Lemurs
*Use Google Earth to locate Madagascar
In the Moving On project, your child will explore how they have grown and changed through the year. They will celebrate their successes and reflect on what they have learned and how they have developed. The project prepares your child for the next step of their learning as they move into Year 1.
Supporting your child at home
*Look at photographs from the year and talk about how they have changed and grown.
*Encourage your child to talk about their favourite learning experiences from the year and their successes and achievements.
*Talk about change and encourage your child to explain what they are looking forward to when they move into Year 1.
The first week back after the holidays is sports week. The children can come to school in sports clothes all week. Just a reminder that EYFS sports day will be on Tuesday 14th June at 9.30am and 2pm.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Reception Team