Curriculum - Spring Term
In the Spring term we will continue to follow our new Inspire Maths scheme. This is based on a Singapore approach to maths, which encourages children to develop mastery and deepen their understanding of key concepts. The key concepts that we will cover in the Spring term are:
We will be building up to subtracting a 2-digit number from another 2-digit number with regrouping.
Adding three numbers
The children will add three 1-digit numbers to 40 by using the number bond strategy to add. They will also apply the 'making ten' strategy to add.
Solving word problems
The children will solve 1-step word problems in addition or subtraction. They will apply the following concepts: part-whole, adding on, taking away and comparing.
Mental addition and subtraction
The children will mentally add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number less than 20. They will mentally add a 2-digit number to tens. They will also be able to mentally add using number bonds.
The children will relate repeated addition to the multiplication concept and use concrete representations to show this concept. The children will build up to interpreting multiplication sentences as the first number referring to the number of groups and the second number referring to the number of items in each group.
The children will use concrete representations to show the concept of division as sharing equally. They will use the strategy of distributing objects equally in each group.
Click on the link below to see our Long Term Plan.
As well as our Read, Write, Inc. lessons we have English lessons which will focus on writing and spelling. This term the children will be learning to spell the common exception words for year 2. They will also learn how to spell words with contracted forms - didn't, hasn't, I'm, it's etc. And finally, they will be learning the possessive apostrophe (singular) [for example, the girl’s book].
In their writing the children will use writing with different forms: statements, questions, exclamations and commands. They will also learn how to write expanded noun phrases to describe and specify (for example, the blue butterfly).
There will also be further writing linked to our ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’ topic. We will be reading Rapunzel and looking at newspaper reports about her escape. Our other fiction text will be ‘The Tunnel’ by Anthony Browne and this will be the basis for the children’s own adventure story about a tunnel.
We will use a variety of non-fiction texts about castles, knights and towers. When we are finding out about knights the children will write a ‘Wanted’ poster for a brave knight. They will also be looking at non-chronological reports and writing fact files about castles and tunnels.
Creative Curriculum - Towers, Tunnels and Turrets
Our Towers, Tunnels and Turrets topic is very exciting for year 2. The children learn lots of facts about castles and knights, including the history of castles and how and why they changed over time. When finding out about knights they design their own shield and learn to write like a knight. They also design and make their own castle using recycled materials. They add turrets and other key features of a castle, a secret passageway and think about how to make it strong and robust. During this part of the topic the children read the story of Rapunzel and read newspaper reports detailing Rapunzel’s escape.
We also look at famous bridges and towers around the world. They then improve their map skills by placing each famous landmark on the country where it belongs. The children also enjoy building their own bridges using marshmallows and spaghetti!!
Next we tunnel down underground to learn about tunnelling animals. We find out about moles, rabbits, worms, ants and badgers. We discover key facts about their life cycles and how tunnelling helps them. We also think about their physical features and how these help them to dig.
We also learn about The Great Escape made by the soldiers in the Second World War. They discover how the heroic men dug and disposed of the earth from the tunnels and the impact of the event. They write a non-chronological report to present their learning.
Finally, we design and build a strong fortress for the three little pigs. The children can add turrets, tunnels, towers and bridges to make sure their fortress is safe.
Click on the link at the bottom of this page to see our Knowledge Organiser!
Our first science focus this term will be ‘Uses of Everyday Materials’. In this unit children will learn about the uses of everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, glass, brick, paper and cardboard. Children will then go on to compare the suitability of different everyday materials for different purposes. They will investigate how objects made of some everyday materials can change shape and how the recycling process is able to reuse some everyday materials numerous times. Children will scientifically identify the uses of everyday materials in the local area.
We will also find out about 'Animals Including Humans'. In this unit, children learn about how humans and other animals are born, grow and change and what we need to survive and be healthy. Children classify different kinds of animal babies, learn about the basic needs that are shared by humans and animals and research the differing needs of animals within our care. Focusing their own experiences, children explore the need for humans to eat a varied diet, to keep themselves clean, and to take regular exercise. Throughout the unit, the learning materials encourage children to make positive choices that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.