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Annual Conservation Projects




As a Rights Respecting School (GOLD), we believe in teaching children about their human rights and the rights of children worldwide. We want our children to know what changes are needed to keep all children safe and happy. The Global Goals are linked to the rights of the child. If goals are achieved, then the situation for children around the world will improve.


At Prescot Primary, we have the highest aspirations for a bright future for all the world's children. In 2015, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were agreed by work leaders. We use these in school to support our children in learning more about the need for change. We encourage them to be responsible custodians for this earth, to think about a more sustainable way of living, of ensuring all rights are upheld, of looking after each other. We want the children to be agents for change. We want them to be 'bothered'.

As well as learning more in assemblies and through our PSHE curriculum, we also end every year with a whole school conservation project. These have been very successful and have become a key feature of our school - and it is one that stays with our children long after they leave us in Y6. Our first conservation project was 'Sing for Songbirds' in 2018. This project was the beginning of our journey and partnership with Chester Zoo.  You can find out more here:

We are very proud of our young conservationists and the work they have done over the past few years. Our video scrapbooks are a great way to look at what we have all achieved:

Sing for Songbirds, 2018:

Wildlife Connections, 2019:

Ocean Heroes, 2021:

Madagascar, 2022:

Chester Zoo, 2022

STOP illegal wildlife trade, 2023:

In recognition of the children's hard work, the school community was awarded a certificate of 'Outstanding Commitment' by Chester Zoo in their Schools Conservation Awards, 2022.