Praise & Raise Award Winners

Renaissance Awards 2019
We were thrilled to be shortlisted by Renaissance (Accelerated Reader and myOn Reader) to be shortlisted for their 'Praise and Raise' Award. This award recognises schools who raise the profile of and celebrate the success of readers who make excellent progress. Over the past two years using Accelerated Reader, and more recently with the addition of myOn, we have strengthened our reading provision and have seen reading results, enthusiasm and engagement increase.
Our wonderfully colourful, cosy library space was created as a result of a summer fundraising campaign involving all year groups. This space now provides an organised, inspiring, secure area for our children to enjoy books. Our library is always open and is used every day; it is a much-loved room that helps to encourage good reading habits. Children help to maintain this space and are rewarded for donating pre-loved books; Reading Champions also keep the books organised and update ZPD stickers when needed. The library is in itself a reward, a treat - a space that the children own and cherish. Time in the library is valued and wraps happy thoughts around the often challenging skills linked with reading.
Our commitment to Accelerated Reader is equalled by our commitment to the use of technology in the classroom. As an Apple Distinguished School, all KS2 children receive an iPad in Y3 which they keep until Y6 and take home every night. We have found that levels of engagement across the curriculum have increased and boys in particular love the blend of reading and technology. Large screens in main corridors promote new releases and display current reading celebrities! The children feel like film stars!
This deployment not only allows the children to quiz on their books at any point through the day, it also allows them to track their own progress and be very aware of the targets they are trying to meet. This information is also easily shared with families and success can be celebrated in home and at school. Children are encouraged to share their reading achievements with each other during our daily designated ‘DEAR’ (Drop Everything And Read) sessions. Children are all aware of the data generated by regular assessments and quizzes and easily share and celebrate each other’s success. They are proud to show their completed book lists and word counts with each other. 1:1 iPads results in ’Praise’ moments being self-generated by the pupils; real motivation and ownership.
A dedicated AR Team (of pupils and teachers) have steadily developed regular, habitual spotlights on individuals, classes, house teams or year groups who have met or ‘smashed’ their reading targets.
Our AR Leader has rejuvenated attitudes to reading through exciting, fun rewards once personal targets are met, for example:
- Half termly challenges and rewards, such as ‘Own Clothes Day’, ‘PJ Slumber Storytime’, ‘Choc-Ice Garden Party’, ‘BOO! Halloween Treat’
- Assembly celebrations - every Friday, we announce Word Millionaires and the Class and House with the most minutes read
- Weekly certificates for readers who have reached targets
- Twitter shout-outs
- Classroom/corridor displays which celebrate individual achievements
The fact that our children have a new-found love of stories and books is one that we are all revelling in and can’t wait to build upon. Regular rewards maintain motivation and keep attitudes fresh and positive. The impact on reading standards in school can be illustrated in this year’s KS2 SATs results. We have seen an increase of 25% in the number of pupils achieving the expected standard (or above) in reading since 2016.
Knowing that the children are moving into Y7 with the reading skills and attitudes ready for KS3 is a huge reward for the teachers - and will further motivate us to strengthen and grow the Accelerated Reader and myON programmes in our school for future generations to enjoy.
See our entry video here:
And we are very proud to be the Raise & Praise Award Winner (Primary) for 2019!
Thank you to Renaissance for recognising all of the hard work that the school community has invested in the futures of our children.