Y6 Art Project

A blossoming partnership with The Prescot School.
Our year six children have been working with Mrs Lawton from The Prescot School over the past few weeks on a ‘Wildflower’ art project. This involved many skills: photography, sketching, observational drawings, colour mixing and much more.
Working alongside our colleagues from secondary schools is essential on many levels, not only does it form important links but it enables our teachers to develop new skills to use with future year groups.
The children were able to explore the longer areas of grass on our field in which we have planted wildflower seeds. They took their inspiration from what flowers they could see around school and mastered the techniques that Mrs Lawton taught them.
Each child painted an individual canvas and contributed to two larger canvases which are now proudly displayed in our main reception.
We are sure you will agree that the end results were stunning.