The end of this academic year brings some sadness as we say goodbye to some valued member of staff and a great cohort of Y6. But we can safely say that 22/23 has been another successful year for TEAMPCP.
We've welcomed many visitors who have all loved our warm, inclusive school - including the BBC! We have been part of some really creative projects that have led to national collaborations and partnerships. We have started our journey towards academisation, which has proved very positive so far - and our children have met and smashed so many of their own personal targets, resulting in some fantastic end of year results.
We cannot thank our school community enough for their continued support. Whether that be donating to our fundraisers, baking cakes for Bake-Off, designing t-shirts, donating books or saying hello on the gate. We value every single bit of botheredness and look forward to continuing this great relationship next year.
Read on to find out more about the last six busy weeks...
We are so excited to be offering the Extended Childcare Offer in our Nursery from September. This is in addition to our universal 15 hour offer available to all 3 year olds, where working parents can claim an additional 15 hours childcare. This is 8.30am-3.30pm with a paid for lunch club. You can check if you are eligible on The Childcare Choices website. Our Nursery children can then extend their day further by using our Busy Bee Breakfast Club (£5) and After School Club (£10). We hold our own waiting list for all of our Nursery admissions, so if you have a younger child who may need a Nursery place, please email admissions@prescotprimary.org.uk with their NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, ADDRESS and YOUR CONTACT NUMBER. The list builds up quickly so don’t miss out email us today!
Our morning Nursery children are leaving us to start their next adventure in Reception, we are sorry to see them go, but we are sure that they are ready for the next stage. The Nursery Graduation this week was a wonderful celebration of all they have achieved and lovely to watch. It is great have the “When I grow up…” video to watch back when they are older! Good luck to the Nursery class of 2022-2023.
Our Reception children are also ready for a move, as they join Key Stage 1. We know that they have enjoyed visiting their new Year 1 classrooms and meeting their new teachers. There will be a Welcome Meeting held in September for you to come and meet the Year 1 team and listen to some key information. When the children move to Year 1 they no longer use Evidence Me, so if you need to contact the teachers, you need to catch them on the Year 1 doors or email admin@prescotpriamry.org.uk for someone to get back to you. If it is urgent please call the school office on 0151 432 7100. Evidence Me will no longer be monitored for Year 1 children. They also now wear the school uniform and require a school PE kit.
Academisation Update
This will be a regular feature of our newsletter from now on.
As you know, we have begun our journey towards academisation and have started to search for our perfect partner. Through a careful process to this point, we have chosen to pursue further discussions with The Rowan learning Trust. Please find out more here:
We are at the very start of this journey, with no final decision having been made as yet. The last few weeks have seen a number of governor, staff and parent informal consultation meetings from which we have taken questions to inform our thinking moving forward. Thank you to the parents and carers who attended the meetings this week - your viewpoints were very valuable.
The governors are very keen to give more families a chance to give their feedback and ask more questions as the process moves forward. We will hold further meetings for parents & carers throughout the autumn term.
Breakfast Club and After School Club
Unfortunately due to rising costs, we are having to increase our prices slightly. Please be assured that this is not a decision that we have made lightly, but we have no alternative.
We will also be rebranding this provision by name. The children will be based in The Nest (the usual dining room) and BC will be called Early Birds and ASC will be called Night Owls. This is to avoid any confusion with our Busy Bee provision for our Nursery children and our after school sporting clubs.
From September 2023 the following charges will apply:
EARLY BIRDS (Breakfast club) = £4.00 (7.30am until 8.30am)
NIGHT OWLS (After School Club) = £8.50 (end of school day until 5.30pm) Please note there is now only one option, being a 5.30pm finish, not 5.00pm, but you can collect any time up until 5.30pm.
Booking Early Birds (BC) and Night Owls (ASC) in September.
Official registers to book ASC/BC (Early Birds & Night Owls) for W/C 4/9/23 will open at 7:30 am on Friday 1st September 2023. Please be prompt for booking for the first week back.
You will be able to block book for the whole of the Autumn 1 term (8 weeks). Please ensure you either pay for the term or you pay weekly (a week in advance) as we do now.
Rights Respecting News Update
In June, we hosted a Primary PSHE Conference which focused on sharing our passion for the rights of the child with other local schools. It was hugely successful!
We welcomed Sylvester Academy, Whiston Willis Academy, Yew Tree Primary, Evelyn Primary and Eccleston Lane Ends. We planned the event with Whiston Willis as our nearest SILVER Rights Respecting School - it is so rewarding to be working with another dedicated school.
During the day, we explored the life of Eglantyne Jebb, the founder of 'Save the Children' and one of the first activists to shout about children's rights. We also investigated the Global Goals and, of course, got to make some new friends. It really was a great day - roll on next year!
Prescot Primary has been busy in sharing the importance of the rights of the child all through the year. We are looking forward to our GOLD accreditation assessment in October and will be continuing to engage with the wider school community in the autumn term.
Parent Governor shout-out!
Unfortunately time constraints prevented us from going ahead with Parent Governor elections this half term. We have moved this to the Autumn Term. Look out for details coming after the summer break.
Our PCPDragons have had a busy six weeks. It started just after SATs with the Y6 Writing Moderation, followed swiftly by a PSHE Conference, a day out in Liverpool, the wettest 'Wet & Wild' day ever, their last conservation project and finally, their final performance at PCP. Emotional songs including 'Time after time' and 'From now on' were sung leaving no dry eyes in the hall and the sun shone all evening on an enjoyable picnic on the field.
Every individual Dragon has very personal, lasting memories of their time at Prescot Primary - and vice versa. We always hate to say goodbye but we wish our Y6 the very best of luck as they move on up to Y7.
Uniform reminder
Our uniform choices aim to provide the most comfortable options for our children as well as limiting the financial impact. All options apply to boys and girls.
Please remember that we always have spare uniform in our PCP Exchange Boutique. Ask us if you need support.
- White polo top
- Blue Prescot Primary school jumper, cardigan or hoody
- Grey trousers, skirts or pinafores (winter)
- Grey shorts, blue checked dress (summer)
- Black school shoes or plain black trainers
- Prescot Primary PE kit - Winter PE kits include dark joggers, hats and gloves.
- Prescot Primary book bag. KS2 children must have a rucksack with two handles in order to keep their iPads safe.
The uniform suppliers are Top Form, Prescot and Whitakers, St Helens.
Knowsley have produced a new attendance strategy. For more information click here:
Knowsley Attendance Strategy 2021-2024
For Prescot Primary's attendance policy, click here:
PCP Attendance Information
Can we remind all families that children must be in school for 8.50am. Gates will be closed and your child will be marked late if they arrive after this time. Children who regularly arrive late can have an unsettled start to the day and feel unprepared for their first lesson. We would urge you to think about the impact that lateness has on learning and minutes lost as a result.
We celebrated the botheredness of our Prescot Pilots this week - and the botheredness of all of their family members who drive them around and cheer them on!
Each term, our Pilots have collected all the hours they have been learning outside of the classroom walls and hours. We have been amazed with how many different activities have been completed - from museum trips to sporting competitions to leadership in school. We all know of the positive impact that extra-curricular activities can have on the wellbeing of our children and Prescot Pilots is our way of capturing and appreciating this dedication.
Thanks to everyone who has taken part - we look forward to more successful 'flights' next academic year - why not look on Arbor for school clubs that are available? @PCP_Sport
The Big Help Project have a food club that provides good quality fresh food that would otherwise go to landfill. Members pay £3.50 a week and choose up to 10 items, or pay £5.00 a week and choose up to 15 items. Below is an example of the weekly timetable. You can find out more by following their social media pages, which are listed at the bottom of the timetable.
Many stores are also allowing children to eat for free (or for £1) during the 6 weeks summer holidays. Below is a list of places.
More goodbyes... join us in saying goodbye and good luck to three valued members of staff.
Mrs Bennett (Mrs B) has been working at PCP for 15 years and has also spent many years as the face of After School Club. Mrs B has aspect the last two years in Y6 but is known for her ability to jump in wherever needed. She is also fiercely loyal and supportive to the children who she works with and has built some very strong relationships with families across school. We thank Mrs Bennett for everything she has done for our school community and hope she won't leave it too long before she visits us again. Happy retirement Mrs B.
Mrs Clarke is also leaving us for pastures new after 10 years of dedicated service to our children. We know Mrs Clarke is looking forward to starting her new job but want to thank her for her creativity and care during all of those years working in lots of different classes. We won't forget her passion for the arts and how much she has influenced those future artists of the future. Good luck Mrs Clarke.
Finally, we say goodbye to Miss McDonnell who is leaving us after a year to pursue her studies. It's lovely to see a staff member looking forward to getting back to the classroom but we would like to say how grateful we are for how much Miss McDonnell has given to the children of Y1. Good luck!
We would like to say a huge well done to the newest teachers on our staff. Miss Grensinger, Miss Hoffman, Miss Cannon and Mr Connor have now successfully completed their two year Early Career Framework - we are so happy to have them on our staff and can't wait to see where their teaching journey at our school takes them!
SEND Update
The Knowsley SEND website has provided some suggestions about activities and groups that are suitable for all children, including those with SEND. Please click the link to find out more.
Online Safety
We release monthly newsletters that highlight various aspects of online safety. Click here for PCP Online Safety information and newsletter:
PCP Online Safety
The whole school election resulted in us focusing on 'STOP illegal wildlife trad' for our 5th annual whole school conservation project, inspired once again by Chester Zoo.
This project allowed our classes to explore many outcomes of the illegal wildlife trade and how this could lead to the potential extinction of certain species. After six weeks of hard work, the children's work was displayed in our whole school exhibition in the hall. Thank you to all who visited - we thought it was fantastic ... and so did the Mayor of Prescot!
Our Conservation Celebration Day was a huge success with lots of bespoke campaign T-shirts on display and a whole school rendition of 'The Circle of Life'.
We all treasure this unique feature of our school curriculum and how it allows the children to use their voices to act for change. Thanks for always supporting us... what will it be next year?
Love it for longer!
This was a popular choice for one of our conservation project themes but just didn't reach enough votes. We still do think this is an important concept for us all to understand and act on in our daily lives.
In school, we are acutely aware of how much money new uniform costs at this time of year. It also the same time of year that many items of good quality uniform are given or thrown away. We would love to reduce this waste by asking you all to contribute to our very own 'Love it for longer' project.
We have created an 'Exchange Boutique' in the main office/under our main office porch. We have clean uniform in good condition for you to take and 'love for longer'. Equally, we would love you to wash and hang any items that you feel could be of use to another family in our school community. If you have any spare hangers, please just hang them on the rails.
Most items of donated uniform are perfect and ready for a second use. Loving it for longer could have a huge impact on the conservation of our planet. Please join in!
We are nearly at the end of our reading year, but that doesn’t mean our Bookworms are slowing down. The library is busier than ever and reading is still a very popular choice, even during free time.
Many children have achieved their reading target this half term and enjoyed a fun pyjama day this week, with added biscuits! Well done everyone!
This half-term has brought an absolute surge of Word Millionaires. It’s so exciting to see so many of our children using their Accelerated Reader accounts to keep track of their reading as they work towards this incredible achievement. So, massive congratulations to Evangeline L, who is a Y3 Penguin (Yes! Y3! We were blown away too!); also to Ore A and Logan W-H, from Y4 Tigers who have each read over a Million Words. Congratulations too to Amelia-Rose B, Bea K, Miley G and Logan H-B, from Y5 Kangaroos for their Millionaireship; and George S from Y6 Dragons who has also read his way to this remarkable status. Additionally, we celebrated with Zoe C from the Tigers who has read an amazing 2 Million Words, as has Harry L and Sammy G from the Kangaroos. But that’s not all. Kanishka G, from the Tigers reached a mind-blowing 3 Million Words, as did our Dragon, Jess N. And to top it all off, Tegu G, our Dragon, has read an unbelievable 4 Million words! We have no words for how incredible this is, so we bought him a McDonalds. He was the talk of the canteen. So huge congratulations to Teju and all of our Millionaires, but also to all of our children who, every year, show us their commitment and botheredness. We celebrate you all.
We are always keen to know how many words our children have read each year, and we always try to beat last year’s total. This year is no different. We have read over 108,000,000 words so far, which is 7,000,000 words more than last year, and still counting. Just WOW!
The library has had a huge re-shuffle and has expanded into the corridor, or the East Wing, as we needed more space for our books, many of them very kindly donated. Thank you to our families for these. Our children have borrowed 7960 books so far this year so you can see your donations are very much appreciated.
There is a Summer Reading Challenge being run by Knowsley Library Service which is free and fun for all children. There is also MYoN which will be available on their iPads all summer long, and we have kept quizzing open for children who want to quiz during the summer holidays. All participants will receive a tasty treat. Keep reading Prescot Primary.
Below you can see some of our children who achieved their targets at the end of every half term this year! Continual botheredness - we love it!
School Meals
We are really proud of our school lunches and believe that we offer the highest quality and selection of food we have seen anywhere else on our travels. As you will appreciate, with rising costs everywhere it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide this service. After much consideration, the Governors have decided to keep the cost of school lunches the same for now - but this must be kept under constant review.
If you feel that you may qualify for Free School Meals (FSM), please click here:
And, if you ever need support, do not be afraid to ask.
From all of us at Prescot Primary and Nursery School, thanks for an amazing year. Your children have been a joy, as always.
Have a safe and happy summer break.
See you on Monday 4th September!