We hope this half term's newsletter finds you safe and well after a busy few weeks of getting back into a school routine.
We have been very pleased withe the children's positive attitude to school, with lots of smiles and 'hellos' in the morning on the gate. Thank you for supporting us with uniform, communications, attendance and punctuality. It makes a huge difference when we are working together to put the children's best interests first.
We find it much smoother when children say their goodbyes at the gate and so, after half term, we would encourage Y1 parents to leave their child at the gate so that they can begin to walk to class on their own. This alleviates the amount of adults coming to and from our Y1 building. It's also a great way to build independence. There is always a member of staff on the gate and at the Y1 door to help. Nursery and Reception will continue to need your supervision. Thanks.
Our Rights Respecting School journey
As many of you know, we achieved our UNICEF Rights Respecting School SILVER Award in March this year. We are now working towards GOLD. This programme is an important part of our school, it helps to grow a nurturing culture and shape an exciting future. We are proud of our achievements so far and are excited for the year ahead.
Recent developments include beginning to grow a RRS steering group that include all stakeholders in school. We currently have governors and staff involved but will be soon asking Y3-Y6 children to apply and also seeking interest from parents. Look out for an email after half term - and thank you if you showed interest during our recent showcase, we'll be in touch.
You will see on this newsletter that we have referenced the 'rights of the child' alongside our news so that you can clearly see how everything we do is grounded in children's rights. We will include a 'RRS' section in each of our future newsletters.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 42. Everyone must know children's rights. Governments should actively tell children and adults about this Convention so that everyone knows about children’s rights.
We are delighted with how all of our EYFS children have settled into nursery and school. They have been amazing, we are so proud of them.
Nursery have been learning about each other's families, exploring their environment and making new friends. Reception have learned the rules and routines of school life and are enjoying their school dinners. They have already shown great independence and are growing in confidence all the time.
Thank you to all of our new families who have faced the challenge of a half term with new routines and emotions. Your little ones are growing up - they are doing a great job!
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 28: All children have the right to an education.
EYFS Open Evenings
If you are looking for an EYFS place in Nursery or Reception for 2023, please see below for information on next Open Evening. We have already held one event which was very well attended, with new families being very impressed with our outstanding facilities and staff.
Come and look around our wonderful school and have the chance to find out more about what we could offer your child as they journey through to Y6.
Bookings can be made by phone on 0151 432 7100.
Only pre-booked visitors will be able to join us and the events will only go ahead if COVID rates and regulations allow.
Please share with any other families who may be searching for the perfect place to learn.
Don't miss out!
You may have heard your children talking about our new space in school, called 'The Hive'. This space was grown throughout 2021-2022 and is fast developing as our 'safe space'. Children may visit The Hive for all sorts of reasons: for small group work, for a behaviour reward, for a birthday treat, for Speech & Language, or for some TLC if the day is proving tricky.
This space is proving to be an invaluable addition to our provision and supports all children at different points in their learning journey. As a Rights Respecting School, we strive to look after our children's mental health and promote strategies to strengthen self-regulation and independence. We now have a dedicated space with dedicated staff - putting ALL our learners first every step of the way.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 3: All adults should do what is best for children.
Thank you to our Pupil Leaders!
We would like to thank our Y6 Pupil Leaders for their first half term of work! Their commitment to their roles as House Leaders, EYFS Leaders, DIGI Leaders, Sports Leaders and RRS Leaders has been outstanding.
These children show 'botheredness' every day and are excellent role models for our younger children. They show how to play fairly and safely, share ideas and how to value the opinions of others. They respect each others rights and also teach others about the importance of children's rights.
Our recent Curriculum Showcase was run by our pupil leaders and we received so many compliments on their confidence and kind approach. We are lucky to have them; they bring so much to our school community.
Convention on the Rights of the Child: Article 13. Sharing thoughts freely
Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms other people.
Breakfast Club and After School Club
Could we remind parents that the responsibility for booking either of our clubs via Arbor is essential to the efficient management of the clubs. Please ensure you book within the designated window to secure your child a place.
Unfortunately, we may not be able to accommodate late bookings, unless it is an emergency and pre-arranged with us. We must plan ratios carefully and would not want to compromise the safety of our children. Late bookings also involve more admin time that puts additional pressure on our office staff.
We would also ask that our members of staff are treated with respect at all times. We always try to do our best for the families who use BC/ASC.
Knowsley have produced a new attendance strategy. For more information click here:
Knowsley Attendance Strategy 2021-2024
For Prescot Primary's attendance policy, click here:
PCP Attendance Information
Can we remind all families that children must be in school for 8.50am. Gates will be closed and your child will be marked later if they arrive at this time. Children who regularly arrive late can have an unsettled start to the day and feel unprepared for their first lesson. We would urge you to think about the impact that lateness has on learning and minutes lost as a result.
We would also like to remind you that picking up on time after school is equally important as staff may have clubs to run and it can be distressing for children if they have to wait in the office to be collected.
Thank you.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 3: When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children. All adults should do what is best for children.
Y6 Dragons will complete their swimming sessions next half term, starting on Mon 31st October and finishing on Thurs 10th November (with the exception of Fri 4th November.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 24: All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy.
SEND Update
Many families need additional support to navigate the world of education for their child. We are recognised locally as a school who puts every learner first and our SEND provision was praised in our recent OFSTED report.
However, we always want to improve. So, our future newsletters will include a SEND focus so that we can share updates and events with you. Our new SENDCo, Mrs Blackburn and our EYFS SENDCo, Mrs George, also intend to start SEND 'drop-ins' after half term. The details will follow but we intend for this to be an informal meeting that builds communication and relationships with families who may need to see a friendly face, have specific questions or need some advice.
See below for an upcoming EAL event.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 2. No discrimination
All children have all these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what language they speak, what their religion is, what they think, what they look like, if they are a boy or girl, if they have a disability, if they are rich or poor, and no matter who their parents or families are or what their parents or families believe or do. No child should be treated unfairly for any reason.
Monarch Mondays!
We continue to focus on the concept of 'Monarchy' within our history curriculum this year. In each year group the children already study one significant British monarch:
EYFS: Fictional Kings and Queens
Y1: Queen Elizabeth II (alongside King Charles III)
Y2: Queen Victoria
Y3: King Henry VIII
Y4: William the Conquerer
Y5: King John
Y6: King George VI
We intend to have three 'Monarch Mondays' across the year, with the first being on Monday 7th November. On this day, your child will look closely at portraits and photographs of monarchs. Children will look for clues and discuss the reliability of portraits as a historical source.
You may want to talk to your child about British monarchs in the past and the current royal family. #pcphistory
Black History Month
Throughout October, our children have been listening to stories that help to illustrate the lives of significant black people in the past who may not have been celebrated or commended at the time.
We have lots of resources, including many books , that will allow us to continue these discussions throughout the year.
You may like to read more around this subject with your children at home. Click here for book ideas.
Black History Month: books for children
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 29: Aims of Education. Children’s education should help them fully develop their personalities, talents and abilities. It should teach them to understand their own rights, and to respect other people’s rights, cultures and differences.
Children in Need
Our children love to support other children and really do understand the principles behind the annual BBC Children in Need event. We love to encourage our children to be 'bothered' and act for change.
This year, we would like to invite children to dress in yellow, spots or Pudsey merchandise on the day of Friday 18th November.
We would suggest a donation of £1 that will be collecting in buckets on the gate.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 27: Children have the right to food, clothing and a safe place to live so they can develop in the best possible way.
One of our major drivers in school is teaching all of our children how to read and getting them ready for their next stage of education. We want them to own their reading progress and develop their own reading interests so that reading becomes something they love and value. Our investment in a fully-stocked library with sign-in/out system, in Accelerated Reader and my-On and in iPads all make our reader's
Well done to all of the KS2 children who have reached their Accelerated Reader targets this half term. You have read lots, chosen books well and quizzed accurately. Enjoy your treat!
For those who may just have missed out, here are some 'top tips' to ensure that you reach your target next time.
Forward financial planning!
All trips will take place only if COVID rates & restrictions allow. Further details to follow.
Y4 Tigers: Wed 30th November 2022: Chester Trip
Y4 Tigers: 17/18th March 2023: Kingswood Colomendy Residential
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 31. Rest, play, culture, arts. Every child has the right to rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities.
From all of us at Prescot Primary and Nursery School, have a safe and happy half term break.
See you on Monday 31st October!